In conversation for social concept


What is your name? Where did you grow up?

“My name is Assan, I’m 22 years old and grew up in the countryside of Aargau until I was about 12 years old. When I was 13, I moved to Zurich.”

What do you do in your life?

“Actually, I just started modeling for a new agency and I work 60% in the hotel industry, I also do my passion, which is fashion photography.”

What kind of object did you bring with you and why?

“I took my bag with me. As I said before, I shoot analog. So that means I have a lot of equipment in the bag: the analog camera, my light meter to check the light, and my precious film rolls.
Even if it’s not my camera, it’s an important part for me. Because that’s how I carry things that are important to me. I feel like it translates into what’s important to me. Although it’s not the main object.”

Why do you shoot analog?

“I started with analog 4 months ago. I had no clear goal in sight I just wanted to see where it took me.
I admire a lot of analog photographers, like Rafael Pavarotti, or the now newly discovered, Javier Castan, who photographed Boycott Magazine issue 12. That fascinated me so much.
I have to be honest, I’ve never been attracted to film. But now I think the certain look, the style… It makes a big difference. That’s why I chose analog photography.”

Do you think it`s more personal to shoot analogue?

“To be honest, yes, because since I’ve been in the fashion industry, I’ve realised that everything is so fast-paced. I don’t mainly shoot film, but that’s my focus. Because you’re much more intimate with your images, models, and team, you can’t just cut and paste. You don’t see the pictures immediately, and that’s a good way to keep going.

Thank you for this follow-up question.

I think that’s the main reason I changed to analog photography so that I can appreciate my work more.”

What role does creativity play in your life?

“To be honest, creativity is important to me. Because I noticed very young that I didn’t fit into the academic world. By academic I mean studying, whatever it is in Switzerland. I always noticed that I’m in my head and I see things. I don’t want to sound like a special guy, but I see literally everything in the pictures. And I have the feeling that it has become extremely strengthened through photography. And creativity is, (it sounds so cheesy), but there are really no limits.
There are things that no one has done yet.
There are so many things that are still undiscovered. And from that point of view, I think creativity is endless.”

What do you think of when you hear social concept?

“Most of the time as a Model you are not the main focus; it’s more the clothes and my job is to represent the clothes. But the way I learned about it from you, it’s more like an interview. You demand to show me, how I am. I think… you focus more on the voice, the people, than the product. 

That’s how I understand it.”

Where do you see yourself/would you place yourself in this concept?

“I definitely see myself in a bubble, but that’s not because I want it that way, but simply because I’m involved in this industry. I don’t want to identify my life with modeling, because that’s not me. But I think it’s still a part of me. And I think that because of the stigma of modeling, you must present yourself in a certain way. And I actually noticed that in Paris recently, when I was trying to get into those crazy clubs. You only see models. They all have that beauty standard.
I’m a very reflective person and I think too much about how I walk and how I present myself. But I am who I am and try not to be too extreme but to accept who I am. I still know that people expect something from me. I think that’s a tough thing.
I think that a lot of times we don’t give our individuality space but we contain it.”

What is beauty or ugliness for you?

“Well, beauty,
I see it in almost everything.
I love to take random pictures and share them on social media. For example, I was waiting on the plane for a while at the airport, and my colleague was eating. I looked up and saw a cable line. I looked up and I thought it was so beautiful. I like things that many people don’t like, but at the same time, I like things that our society really likes. Like body features. I must admit, because of modeling my mind got confused by the beauty standards. But I think it happens so fast when you are in an industry like this. I say fashion is so much more than just modeling. There are so many aspects that beauty can be ugly. Like Rick Owens, he’s a veteran in fashion. But there are so many people who look at his stuff and think, what the hell is that? His shows, his models, his whole personality. I personally think that things that don’t fit the norm are extremely beautiful.”